“The Nevada State Education Association is incredibly lucky and proud to have a member and leader like Sherry Sykes; her ideas, ethics, and dedication to her local make her an incredible board member and a great role model for current and new members,” said Brian Rippet, President of the Nevada State Education Association.
“From her fundraising efforts within her local and community, to her compassion towards members and employees throughout her school district, Sherry enhances her school site, her school district, and her state and local affiliate.”
The NSEA Education Support Professional of the Year Award recognizes the contributions of Education Support Professionals to their schools, communities, and their profession. The award is presented to a member of NSEA who demonstrates outstanding accomplishments and reflects the contributions of ESPs to public education.
As the ESP of The Year, Sherry will represent the NSEA as the NEA ESP of the Year Award Nominee, which includes all-expense paid travel to the 2020 NEA Education Support Professional National Conference and a $1,000 gift.