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The official Facebook page for the Nevada State Education Association. We bring you tips and tricks for the classroom, keep you informed on the latest education news, and help you connect with others who are working to create great public schools for every student.


NSEA's BlueSky

The official BlueSky page for the Nevada State Education Association. Follow us to access the latest education news, advocacy actions to support public education, and resources that will help you thrive in the workplace.

Follow the NSEA President on BlueSky:



The official Nevada State Education Association Instagram account. This account highlights the stories of members and staff as they work together to provide great public schools for every student.



The official Nevada State Education Association YouTube account. See the latest videos highlighting our members, sharing messages from our leaders, and providing resources that support educators.



Nevada State Education Association logo

Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.