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NSEA Affiliates

As an NSEA member, you enjoy a unified membership in three (3) organizations—your local association, NSEA, and the National Education Association.

Carson Educational Support Association (CESA)
Kerri Finn, President
[email protected]

Churchill County Education Association (CCEA)
Jennifer Gehant, President
[email protected]

Douglas County Professional Education Association (DCPEA)
Karen Lamb, President
[email protected]

Douglas County Support Staff Organization (DCSSO)
Brian Wallace, DCSSO Trustee
[email protected]

Education Support Employees Association (ESEA)
Jan Giles, President
[email protected]

Elko County Classroom Teachers Association (ECCTA)
Natasha Martin, President
[email protected]

Elko County Support Staff Organization (ECSSO)
Susie Ward, President
[email protected]

Esmeralda County Support Staff Organization (ECSSO)
Tiffany Melendrez, President
[email protected]

Esmeralda County Teachers Association (ECTA)
Sandra Miramontes, President
[email protected]

Eureka County Teachers Association (ECTA)
Katie Benson, President
[email protected]

Eureka Schools Classified Association (ESCA)
Mary Jane Hodson , President
[email protected]

Humboldt County Education Association (HCEA)
Malinda Riemersma, President
[email protected]

Humboldt County Support Staff Organization (HCSSO)
Andrea Kelly, President
[email protected]

Lander County Classroom Teachers Association (LCCTA)
Milena Parker, President
[email protected]

Lincoln County Education Association (LCEA)
Sherry Spencer, President
[email protected]

Lincoln County Association of Support Personnel (LCASP)
Trista Boyce, President
[email protected]

Lyon County Education Association (LCEA)
[email protected]

Mineral County Classroom Teachers Association (MCCTA)
Drew Schaar, President
[email protected]

National Education Association of Southern Nevada (NEA-SN)
Vicki Kreidel, President
[email protected]

Nevada Rural Educators (NRE)
Malinda Riemersma, President
[email protected]

Nye County Classroom Teachers Association (NCCTA)
Eric Kunzi, President
[email protected]

Nye County Support Staff Organization (NCSSO)
Cheryl Tibbits, President
[email protected]

Ormsby County Education Association (OCEA)
Brian Wallace, President
[email protected]

Pershing County Classroom Teachers Association (PCCTA)
Shelly Nee, President
[email protected]

Pershing County Support Staff Organization (PCSSO)
Patty Garretson, President

Storey County Education Association (SCEA)
Karen Staffen, President
[email protected]

Student Program
Kasandra Medina-Torres
​​​[email protected]

Washoe Education Association (WEA)
Calen Evans, President
[email protected]t

Washoe Education Support Professionals (WESP)
Erica Nungaray, Trustee
[email protected]

Brian Wallace, Trustee
[email protected]

White Pine Association of Classroom Teachers (WPACT)
Destin Brandis, President
[email protected]

White Pine County Support Staff Organization (WPCSSO)
Roman Mariani, President
[email protected]


Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.