Exclusive NEA Programs
Your NSEA membership gives you access to exclusive programs that can help you achieve your personal and financial goals including insurance, loans, investments, and financial planning. Your Association has negotiated great rates on much-needed products and services exclusively for members.
With its commitment to improving the lives of members and its substantial group buying power, NEA Member Benefits provides quality products and services that help with personal and financial needs of our members. Some of these benefits include:
NEA Auto & Home Insurance Program NEA Retirement Program
NEA Academy The NEA Retirement Planning Center NEA Discount Marketplace
Attorney Referral Program & Legal Protection
When you belong to the Association, you have peace of mind that your side will be heard and that your rights will be protected. We stand ready and willing to go the extra mile to make sure you get a fair shake . . . and you don't have to pay a penny in legal fees!
Through the NEA Attorney Referral Program, eligible members are entitled to two, 30-minute consultation sessions free during each membership year. And if you need additional legal help, the program lets you get that help at rates below participating attorneys' usual fees.
Educators Employment Liability Protection
With your Association membership comes a $1 million Educators Employment Liability (EEL) insurance policy which protects you against civil proceedings brought against you in job-related matters.
Online Continuing Education Courses
The Nevada State Education Association has partnered with Augustana University and VESi to offer members a yearly subscription to online graduate courses for $200 per year. You can enroll in one course per term or two courses during the summer (if you skip fall or spring), for a total of 3 courses per year. Click here to read more.
Health and Wellness
The Nevada State Education Association has partnered with Get It Wright Fitness to offer various health and wellness coaching programs. Click here to read more. We also have this great little YouTube video where you can learn more as well.