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NSEA Strategic Framework and Budget

The Strategic Plan and Budget focuses our energy and resources to reflect our commitment to great public schools for every student in Nevada.

NSEA’s Strategic Framework for 2020–2022


To achieve our mission, the NSEA will grow and strengthen our Association to promote quality education by:

  • Advancing opportunities that will amplify the voices of all educators; identify, organize, and engage new and early career educators; support our members’ professional growth; and promote racial justice for our students, our communities, and our nation;
  • Securing a pro-public education environment for students, educators, and families; 
  • Building the capacity of the local, state, and national union to ensure the success of public education.

Strategic Objectives

To grow and strengthen our union, we will organize our members around issues that impact teaching and learning and the lives of our students. In partnership with our affiliates, NEA will:

Increase Educator Voice, Influence, and Professional Authority: Develop and sustain effective structures, processes, and leaders to increase educator influence in decision-making at the worksite, district, state, and national levels.

Recruit and Engage New and Early Career Educators: Identify, recruit, support, and engage new educators in our Association, and connect them with opportunities for professional learning, leadership, and advocacy.

Support Professional Excellence: Build a system of Association-convened, educator-led professional learning, and supports for all educators across their career continua to ensure student success.

Advance Racial Justice in Education: Support members in advancing racial justice in education and improving conditions for students, families, and communities through awareness, capacity-building, partnership, and individual and collective action.

Secure a Pro-Public Education Environment: Use all available means, including organizing, legal, legislative, electoral, and collective action, to secure the environment necessary to protect the rights of students and educators, and the future of public education.

Enhance Organizational Capacity: Develop and leverage the collective organizational capacity across our Association that is necessary to advance the mission of the NEA and its affiliates, with particular focus on organizing, leadership development, fiscal health, technology, and internal and external partnerships.

Enterprise Operations: Ongoing functions across the enterprise that support the strategic objectives, build lasting strength, and sustain the organizational infrastructure.

Goal A: Economic Sustainability & Stewardship

By 2016, NSEA will ensure ongoing economic sustainability and stewardship that supports the mission and vision of NSEA.

Performance Indicators/Measures:

  1. Increase the reserve fund to equal 6 months operating expenses.
  2. Increase non-dues revenues by 5% of the operating budget.
  3. Continue to implement expense control measures.


  • Continue to receive clean Audits
  • Reserve fund will be fully funded
  • Identify non-dues donors and get them to join

Goal B: Member Engagement

NSEA will facilitate the participation of more members and locals in all aspects of NSEA

Performance Indicators/Measures:

100% of all locals will develop and implement a plan to ensure:

  • 90% of all building rep positions will be filled.
  • 100% of elected positions will be filled.
  • Training and conferences will be filled at 90+% of capacity
  • 90% of local meetings have a quorum (as determined by locals)
  • Increased member advocacy

Goal C: Changing Public Perception

NSEA, its affiliated locals, and its members will be the most trusted and effective voice for public education in the state of Nevada.

Performance Indicators/Measures:

  1. Percentage of positive responses to “Do you trust NSEA to be the best advocate for your child’s public education?”
  2. Increase the number of opportunities and resources that enhance NSEA’s stature within the state.
  3. Percentage of positive responses to NSEA’s enhanced stature within the state
  4. An increase of members and the public who testify to governing bodies.


NSEA will have an effective internal/external communication and coalition programs.

Goal D: Political and Legislative Action

NSEA will be the driving force and leading voice for educational policy making in Nevada.

Performance Indicators/Measures:

  1. 95% or more of members vote
  2. 80% of members vote for endorsed candidates
  3. 50% or more of members are involved in endorsed candidates’ campaign.
  4. Number of member experts on political and legislative issues
  5. 100% of legislation opposed by NSEA is defeated.
  6. 100% of locals have a GR program coordinated with NSEA 80% of NSEA supported legislation is passed.

Goal E: Increase Membership

NSEA will work with the local affiliates to increase membership by 2% annually and retain current membership.

Performance Indicators/Measures:

  1. Percentage of membership increase
  2. 100% of local affiliates develop and implement a membership plan to recruit and retain membership
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Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.