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Quality Teaching and Learning

Teachers strive for excellence. They challenge themselves so they are better able to meet the needs of their students and their families.

The Nevada State Education Association supports teachers throughout their careers as they engage with students, colleagues, and school improvement. All students deserve quality teachers who are engaged with their schools and communities, and the NSEA provides programs and opportunities that assist teachers throughout their professional journey.

No matter where you are in your teaching journey, the NEA has resources and programs available to you.  

  • The Aspiring Educators Program supports teacher candidates as they prepare to enter the classroom. 

  • The Early Career Educators Learning Labs and Leadership Institute programs support teachers in both their classroom practice and in understanding their leadership journey as a professional. 

  • The Nevada Next Program, through a partnership with NEA's Center for Great Public Schools, provides tools, training, support, and resources from professional practice leaders for young educators to help you thrive in your first year.

  • For experienced teachers, National Board Certification and our Teacher Leadership Institute focus on building teacher leaders into the future. 

So, whether looking for specific individual professional supports (e.g. micro-credentials) or trying to better understand teacher-related policies, NSEA is here to help guide you!



NSEA believes attracting and retaining qualified teachers in every classroom and for every subject is critical for all Nevadans. Shortages of teachers and other educators impacted school districts across Nevada before COVID-19. While deep cuts to education may alter the employment landscape, it will only exacerbate the long-term pipeline issue and compromise working conditions for teachers and other educators.

It is also critical to provide our educators, both licensed employees and education support professionals, with appropriate professional development opportunities to gain and improve the knowledge and skills important to their positions and job performance. This has become even more important with COVID-19 and the switch to distance education last school year and a renewed emphasis on social and emotional learning.

Over the last several years, NSEA has advocated for expanded peer assistance and review across the state and has developed our professional development programming, including micro-credentialing, support for teachers getting their National Board Certification, as well as expanding training for Education Support Professionals across the state.

To address these concerns, the NSEA SUPPORTS:

  • Continuing work on the pipeline for teachers and other licensed personnel such as counselors, school nurses, speech-language pathologists, school librarians, and occupational and physical therapists.
  • Support for educators in high-needs schools and subjects.
  • Protecting resources for professional development programs.
  • Development of new professional development for social and emotional learning amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, including professional development for Education Support Professionals.
  • Addressing the need for more diversity in the education profession, so education employees reflect the student population more consistently.


Educator Bill of Rights


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Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.