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Public Comment

NSEA Public Comment: Member Testimony, Senate Finance

NSEA's Public Comment from UCN President Malinda Riemersma at the 5.17.21 Senate Committee on Finance meeting.
Public Comment Graphic
Published: May 17, 2021

This Session, we’ve been asking you to listen to educators, so I’m reading public comment from Malinda Riemersma, a teacher in Humboldt County, our Association President for rural counties, and mother of 3 boys. She writes...

It has been a constant struggle to find teachers who want to come to our rural districts. One way we are able to recruit is through our pay, benefits, and working conditions that we negotiate into our contract. If we do not make the very needed adjustments to SB543, OUR budgets will be frozen for many years!! Also allowing the districts to keep an ending fund balance of 16.6% will ensure no money for increases for our pay and benefits. This will be detrimental to us in recruiting teachers. ALL of our Nevada students deserve qualified teachers! Our rural counties are imploring you to please take the following actions to fix SB543:

  1. Truly hold our districts harmless by allowing for cost of living adjustments.
  2. Revert the ending fund balance back to 8.3% giving us room to negotiate for our teachers and staff.
  3. Grandfather our existing Zoom and Victory schools. Our schools are showing improvement and deserve to continue on that path.

On behalf of educators, students, and parents in our rural districts, we appreciate your time and serious attention to these matters.

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Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.