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Legislative Positions

Memo: NSEA Supports Senate Bill 80

NSEA supports Senate Bill 80, creating the Handle with Care program to receive reports from law enforcement when a student is exposed to a traumatic event.
Published: February 6, 2019

Handle with Care will allow our educators to better serve our diverse student population by providing critical information about the current mental state of a student who has suffered trauma. Handle with Care may prevent unnecessary discipline if a student is acting out or non-responsive and allows educators to utilize trauma-sensitive interventions.

Educators face many challenges with classroom management.

Handle with Care doesn’t put the onus on teachers to try and figure out what may be impacting students at home but gives educators to ability to support students as necessary.

Meanwhile, Handle with Care provides a system of wraparound and school-based services so that students who experience trauma are better able to succeed.

NSEA urges the Senate Education Committee to recommend support of SB80.

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Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.