Every day thousands of Nevada educators and tens of thousands of students go to school in facilities that are overcrowded, out of date, and potentially hazardous. There are serious facilities needs across the state, in Clark and Washoe Counties as well as rural school districts.
The quality of school facilities has a direct impact on the quality of education and also is a foundational element in fostering a positive school climate. Sending students to dilapidated school building sends them the wrong message about the value of education and their value as young people in our state. Meanwhile, educators working in overcrowded and substandard facilities receive a similar message, impacting educator morale and retention. This is why NSEA partnered with education stakeholders in Washoe County to help pass IP1 in 2016, and why we support SB450 to give school districts who have voter-authorized bonding the flexibility they need to address their facilities needs.
SB450 addresses these issues while also creating good construction jobs and boosting the state’s economy.
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