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Legislative Positions

Memo: NSEA Supports Assembly Bill 418

NSEA supports AB418 to require exit surveys for educators leaving employment.
Published: April 6, 2021

NSEA supported AB276 creating the Nevada State Teacher Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force in the 2019 session to address the issue of Nevada’s vexing teacher shortage. AB418 comes directly from a recommendation of the Task Force to help identify factors involved in the decision of many educators to leave their schools or the profession of teaching altogether.

We all know Nevada’s teacher shortage is a significant problem across school districts in the state. While there is often a focus on the teacher pipeline, teacher retention is equally if not more important. In the Clark County School District, for example, half of teachers separate from employment within 5 years.

Based on recommendations to the Task Force, an effective exit survey would consider educator characteristics and assignment, the reason for leaving, and future employment plans. In the survey, it will be critical to determine whether the reason for leaving is related to poor working conditions or a lack of support. NSEA believes exit surveys will identify issues such as large class sizes, low compensation, and punitive or unfair evaluation systems as major factors. But exit surveys will give decision-makers the information necessary to make adjustments to better retain Nevada’s teaching workforce.

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