NSEA has had a standing position in support of Holocaust education since 1996, with a resolution adopted at our member Delegate Assembly. This position was affirmed and expanded in 1998 and 2002.
The Nevada State Education Association believes that the lessons of the Holocaust will lead to a greater understanding of, and respect for, diversity. NSEA also believes inclusion of Holocaust education should be included in the school curriculum. NSEA further believes that Holocaust education could be included in any appropriate curricular areas.
We also have a standing policy on genocide education, also adopted in 1996 and affirmed an updated in 2002.
The Nevada State Education Association believes that education regarding acts of genocide will help students to empathize with others and to respect diversity. The NSEA also believes that education about genocide should be included in the school curriculum.
Educators understand intolerance has no place in our schools. Instruction on the Holocaust and other genocides is even more critical in these times of increasing hate and antisemitism.