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Legislative Positions

Memo: NSEA Supports AB282

NSEA supports AB282 to provide a subsidy for long-term substitute teachers to purchase health insurance.
AB282 Support 2023
Published: April 11, 2023

For many years, Nevada has struggled with an educator shortage. But since the COVID pandemic, record numbers of educators left their jobs due to low pay and severely low morale. As we end this school year, there are still thousands of school vacancies, with districts across the state relying on long-term substitutes to cover hundreds of classrooms. While NSEA says it’s Time for 20 to address this crisis, we also believe long-term substitutes should be guaranteed greater dignity in their work. This means access to healthcare addressed in AB282. NSEA also supports SB434 to make long-term substitutes eligible for retirement benefits.

Providing long-term substitute teachers with health insurance will strengthen our schools by attracting more qualified substitute teachers. School districts should be able to afford this additional expense, with savings accumulated from teacher vacancies. Substitute teachers are critical to school operations, especially those who are relied upon to fill lengthy vacancies. With many long-term substitute teachers living close to the poverty line, we should at least ensure their health needs are being met

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