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Legislative Positions

Memo: NSEA Opposes Senate Bill 543 As Introduced

NSEA opposes SB543, as introduced, to institute a new school funding formula due to serious policy concerns.
Published: May 16, 2019

The Nevada State Education Association represents teachers and education support professionals across the state. NSEA strongly believes the Nevada Plan needs to be updated to reflect the changing needs of Nevada. NSEA has consistently advocated moving towards greater equity in education, ensuring all school districts, including Clark County, have the resources necessary to provide a high-quality education for every Nevada student. We agree our school funding system should be transparent and based on the needs of our student and communities. We also believe it is only fair for all education stakeholders to be included in any serious effort to improve our state’s public schools. NSEA looks forward to being a part of the process to strengthen the new school funding formula which will accomplish these goals from this point forward.

NSEA opposes SB543, as introduced, to institute a new school funding formula due to serious policy concerns, including no new revenue for schools, a rural “freeze and squeeze”, watering down of Zoom and Victory Schools, a multi-million-dollar charter school giveaway, anti-union end fund balance provisions, possible exclusion of educator voice on the Commission on School Funding, and a fundamentally flawed legislative process.


NSEA opposes SB543, but we are hopeful that we can begin anew, taking the promising components of the proposal forward while correcting the problems, oversights, and unintended consequences. New revenue will ease the transition to any new funding formula, and NSEA continues to be optimistic in our fight for additional school resources, so all students and schools can succeed.

While there may not be enough time this session to fix all the problems with SB543, we are confident that by working together during the interim, we can return next session on the same page to pass and implement a new funding formula that benefits all Nevada students.

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Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.