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Legislative Positions

Memo: NSEA Opposes Assembly Bill 236

NSEA opposes AB236 which removes NSEA as the named nominating authority for educator positions on the State Board of Education, the Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada, and the Statewide Council for the Coordination of the Regional Training Programs
Published: February 27, 2025

NSEA opposes AB236 which removes NSEA as the named nominating authority for educator positions on the State Board of Education, the Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada, and the Statewide Council for the Coordination of the Regional Training Programs. Instead, AB236 replaces NSEA with cumbersome language that divides nominating authority between "the employee organization representing the plurality of teachers employed by a large school district” and “the employee organization representing the plurality of teachers employed by school districts in this State other than a large school district."

We understand the intent of this legislation is to provide representation for the Clark County Education Association on these Boards and Councils. NSEA does not question this intent. However, the practical effect of this legislation would be to remove educators from these Boards and Councils who have been dutifully serving in their current positions. Moving forward, these Boards and Councils would lose representation from rural and northern Nevada and the critical perspective brought from those parts of the state. NSEA is open to language that adds a representative to each of these bodies nominated by CCEA; however we are opposed to striking NSEA as the nominating authority for current positions.

As we have mentioned, NSEA has been the voice of Nevada educators for 125 years. We represent educators in all 17 Nevada school districts, providing a genuine statewide perspective on public education. The current member of the State Board of Education nominated by NSEA is an elementary special education teacher in the Clark County School District. Our nominees on the Teachers and Leaders Council and Statewide Council for the Coordination of the Regional Training Programs come from Clark, Carson, Douglas, Mineral, and Washoe Counties.

NSEA has had formal representation on the State Board since its move to a hybrid Board in 2011. We have had representation on TLC since its creation in 2011 and on RPDP since 2003. NSEA members serving on these Boards and Councils are active and bring needed perspectives to the issues they are addressing.

Please oppose AB236 or consider language to add a member nominated by the Clark County Education Association to each Board and Council without compromising statewide representation. 

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