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NSEA Political Action

What is the NSEA-PAC?
It's a fact of life that every decision that affects education is a political decision. That's why the NSEA has developed a comprehensive program to help make public education issues an important part of the campaigns of candidates at all levels. Through our political action arm, NSEA-PAC, Association members interview candidates about their views on education-related issues, issue recommendations on which candidates are most supportive of public education, and work to help get pro-education candidates elected.
Your voluntary contribution to our political action arm, NSEA-PAC, gives us the strength and political influence we need to make a difference for students and public education in Nevada. It helps us elect candidates who have their priorities straight and who are willing to back up their talk with positive action. What's more, NSEA-PAC contributions help us help Nevadans get beyond the campaign rhetoric and better understand what's really at stake.
Here's how our candidate endorsement process works: We use an extensive interview and recommendation process to identify candidates who truly support educators and public education. Then, we disseminate that information to help our members—and the public—make informed decisions on election day.


Join us for a year of achievement and excitement!
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Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.