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Powerline: March 10, 2023

Week 5 Edition of NSEA's Powerline
Cover Powerline 2023
Published: March 10, 2023

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Click below to read our memos and/or watch the video testimony

  • Assembly Bill 73 (Support - No Memo)

    • Provides right of public school pupils to wear certain adornments at school graduation ceremonies.

  • Senate Bill 144 (Oppose)

    • While NSEA is a proponent of career and technical education, we oppose the tax holiday scheme proposed in SB144 on principle. Instead, NSEA recommends up to a $10M appropriation for CTE from projected general fund revenues, including the modified business tax.

  • Assembly Bill 175 (Amend)

    • NSEA appreciates the conceptual amendment to AB175 to preserve school boards as democratically elected bodies offered by Chair Bilbray Axelrod. We seek a further amendment to include educator voice on school boards by lifting the prohibition on service by active educators from the district and by requiring at least one appointed, non-voting member be an active educator.

  • Assembly Bill 222 (Support)

    • NSEA priority bill to create fairness for Education Support Professionals (ESPs). AB222 is intended to correct an inequity in the computation of credit for service for school district employees in the Public Employment Retirement System. Specifically, many education support professionals in PERS report not receiving a full year of service credit even though they work a job that is comparable in hours to teacher members of the system, who do receive a full year of service credit.

NSEA Presentation to the Senate Committee On Education

NSEA was able to present to the Senate Committee on Education this week. Our presentation focused on the status of public education and how we can fix the problems with Time For 20 and the Respect Educators Act. You can watch the full presentation here.


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Apply to be a Time for 20 Ambassador!

NSEA is now building a team of Time for 20 Ambassadors to engage during the remainder of the 2023 Legislative Session. This team will build on our previous legislative engagement, expand member public comment at legislative committees, lobby legislators, enhance our social media presence, develop our relational organizing capacity, and mobilize other members for collective action.


Take Action Powerline

As mentioned above, on Thursday, March 9, 2023, the Assembly Committee on Government Affairs heard Assembly Bill 222, an NSEA priority bill. It was a great hearing with very heartfelt testimony from our ESP members throughout the state.

This bill creates fairness for our education support professionals, and we need your help to continue telling the Assembly why they should support this bill. You can watch the hearing above, but you can still email the committee and urge their support!

What does Assembly Bill 222 do for ESPs? 

AB222 seeks to correct an inequity that exists for educators by allowing ESPs to receive a full year of PERS service credit for working at least 8 months of the school year. 

Why should the Legislature support Assembly Bill 222

The Legislature needs to understand that ESPs play a vital role inside and outside of our classrooms. ESPs keep our schools and campuses running while ensuring students are safe, healthy, and ready to learn. With a shortage of ESPs statewide, AB222 can help with recruitment and retention as well.

Click here to check out the NSEA Campaign to pass AB222


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Question about this bill? Message Us!

Do you have a question about this particular bill? Send NSEA an email and our Government Relations Chair will get back to you shortly!

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Support NSEA Strategic Goals in Membership and Politics by increasing active participants, as measured by participation in letter-writing campaigns, social media promotion, rally attendance, and collective action participation.

Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.