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Powerline: February 10, 2023

 Welcome to NSEA's Powerline Newsletter! The 82nd Legislative Session began this week, and NSEA is off to a very strong start pushing Time For 20 and the Respect Educators Act! We wanted to share some of our work from the first week of the Legislative Session.
Cover Powerline 2023
Published: February 10, 2023


Powerline News Header

Time For 20: Nevada Must Invest in Educators

Reno Gazette Journal: Dawn Etcheverry, President of the Nevada State Education Association 

Lawmakers gets earful on need for more educational spending

The Las Vegas Review Journal 

Nevada Has Two Choices for Funding K-12 Education

Reno Gazette Journal: Mario Fitzpatrick - This opinion column was submitted by Mario Fitzpatrick, a local high school teacher and member of the board of the Washoe Education Association

Democratic lawmakers propose $250 million to boost educator raises

The Nevada Independent

Freshman Orientation: Selena La Rue Hatch bringing classroom experience to Assembly

The Nevada Independent

Progressive coalition pushes back against Lombardo’s message of “Nevada Way”

The Nevada Independent: Featuring NSEA ESP At Large Erica Nungaray 


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Memo to the Assembly Committee on Education (2.7.23)

Memo to the Senate Committee on Education (2.8.23)

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If you're in Reno this weekend (Saturday February 11, 2023), NSEA is co-hosting the Believe in Education Rally with the Washoe Education Association. We'd love for you to join us and hear more about Time For 20 and the Respect Educators Act! 

NSEA will also be hosting an Educator Symposium on February 27, 2023 at 4pm at the Nevada Legislature. More details will come in the next week, but mark your calendars! This event will focus on our educators and the vital role that our voices need to play in the legislative process.


Powerline Online Banner

As a reminder, NSEA has a great Bill Tracker on our website. This page is updated daily, and has information on bills and budgets as well as official NSEA memos on the bills we are tracking this Legislative Session. If you have any questions about any of the bills NSEA is tracking, you will be able to email the NSEA ground team from that page and we will get back to you shortly. 

Question about this bill? Message Us!

Do you have a question about this particular bill? Send NSEA an email and our Government Relations Chair will get back to you shortly!

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Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.