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Schools Over Stadiums

Schools Over Stadiums is a newly formed Political Action Committee of the Nevada State Education Association. For years, Nevada educators have been issuing an SOS over the dire conditions in our schools. The goal of Schools Over Stadiums is to right this ship and keep the focus on Nevada’s true priorities - our kids, our parents, and our educators.


Nevada once again comes up short for schools while giving a California billionaire hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars. That’s why we’re saying Schools Over Stadiums.

Transparent SOSF
NSEA launched Schools Over Stadiums in response to a giveaway of hundreds of millions in tax dollars to a California billionaire for a stadium, while Nevada schools rank 48th in per-pupil funding with the largest class sizes in the nation (NEA Ranking of the States)
Transparent SOSF
For years, Nevada educators have been issuing an SOS over the dire conditions in our schools. The goal of Schools Over Stadiums is to right this ship and keep the focus on Nevada’s true priorities - our kids, our parents, and our educators.
Transparent SOSF
During the 82nd Regular Session, legislators failed to hear a single bill to reduce class size and made no movement on generating new revenue streams for our schools. Instead, a special session was convened to pass SB1 to commit $380M in public funds to a California billionaire.
Transparent SOSF
Nevada’s priorities are misguided. We’ve said that the sorts of efforts to get the A’s are why Nevada gets all the F’s. (Nevada was the only state in the country to receive 3 F’s in education funding in the 2022 and 2023 “Making the Grade” reports released by the Education Law Center)



Schools Over Stadiums is committed to pursuing every possible path to stop the use of public funds to subsidize a billionaire’s stadium.

Transparent NVSOS
Litigation: Pursue weaknesses of Senate Bill 1
Transparent NVSOS
Referendum: Gather signatures for a straight repeal of Senate Bill 1
Transparent NVSOS
Statutory Initiative: Gather signatures pertaining to the language of Senate Bill 1 and/or in conjunction with the Referendum, pursue revenue for public education


How do I get involved?

You can get involved by volunteering to gather signatures or donating to the effort.
Tool Kit

Schools Over Stadiums Tool Kit

Nevada State Education Association logo

Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.