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2022 DA Cover

53rd Delegate Assembly 2022

Information and Reports about NSEA's 2022 Delegate Assembly in Elko, Nevada. You will also find all information pertaining to the upcoming Special Election for ESP Director At-Large


The ESP At Large election was held via online ballot from June 13, 2022 to June 17, 2022. Ballots were counted by the NSEA Elections Committee on June 21, 2022. No run-off election was needed. There were 73 ballots cast and a majority of ballots were cast for one candidate. The results are below:

ESP-AT-Large Nominees

Election Results

Karen Berney

25 Votes (34%)

*Erica Nungaray*

46 Votes (59%)

Description of ESP-At-Large

1. Duties: The ESP-At-Large shall:
  1. Serve as the Chairperson of the ESP Committee
  2. Ensure lines of communications with the ESP Presidents are maintained
  3. Assume such other duties as assigned by the Delegate Assembly, Board of Directors and/or the President
2. Term of Office: The term of office of the ESP-At-Large shall be three years. The person elected to the office of ESP-At-Large is eligible for two consecutive terms and shall serve until a successor is elected. The term of ESP-At-Large shall begin at the close of the NEA Representative Assembly in the year that the ESP-At-Large election occurred.
3. Vacancy: If the office of ESP-At-Large becomes vacant, the Board of Directors shall select from among the ESP members of the Board an acting ESP-At-large who shall serve until the next meeting of the Delegate Assembly at which time a special election shall be held.  The special election shall be held prior to May 31 in non-Delegate Assembly years. 
The member elected to the office of ESP-At-Large at special election shall complete the unfulfilled term of the ESP-At-Large.   However,
a)    If the vacancy occurs during the first half of the three (3) year term, the member filling the vacancy is eligible to serve one (1) additional term. 
b)  If the vacancy occurs during the second half of the three (3) year term, the member elected to fill the vacancy is eligible for two (2) additional terms.
c)    The first half of a term is defined as eighteen (18) months after a member takes office.
d)   The second half of a term is defined as the eighteen (18) months which begin the day following the eighteen (18) months after the member takes office.
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Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.