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Core Values

NSEA's Core Values for Safe and Just Schools

NSEA supports educators who are fighting for just and equitable schools in a number of ways:

  • We support collective actions that challenge the chronic neglect of schools that underserved students of color and other marginalized young people. 
  • We champion education over incarceration and fight to keep families together. 
  • We advocate for English Language Learners and support their demands for culturally relevant instruction. 
  • We foster relationships with community organizations to support our work with and within communities of colors. 
  • We unite with social justice movements that seek transformative change in our society. 

Our Trainings

Along with NEA, we also help members make schools supportive and affirming places for all students, including LGBTQ students. We do this through student-centered, research-focus, member-driven programs that prepare participants to:

Together, we can create equality of opportunity for all students no matter their zip code.


Nevada State Education Association logo

Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.