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Email the Senate Committee on Education in Support of Assembly Bill 57

Assembly Bill 57 will be heard in Senate Education Wednesday, April 21 at 1:00! AB57 suspends Student Learning Goals (SLGs)/Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) until 2023-24. Currently, they reflect 15% of an evaluation, but, if passed, will reflect 0%.
Take Action

Assembly Bill 57 will be heard in Senate Education on April 21, 2021 at 1:00 PM! AB57 suspends Student Learning Goals (SLGs)/Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) until 2023-24. Currently, they reflect 15% of an evaluation, but, if passed, will reflect 0%.

NSEA has consistently opposed the use of SLO/SLGs in teacher evaluations, which is why NSEA supports AB57. We are in unprecedented times, and this proposal simply makes sense.

We believe that teacher evaluations should be based on what teachers do in the classroom and at their school site focused on instructional practice, leadership, and professional responsibilities. This is a time for support and flexibility so we can meet the needs of our students and educators. 

You can help pass AB57 in several ways!

  1. If you can, click here to register your support and/or participate during the bill's hearing and provide comments about the concerns you have experienced with the SLO/SLG process. 
  2. To share your opinion with your legislators online, clicking here. 
  3. Send a letter to the Senate Committee on Education below! 

Help Pass Assembly Bill in the Senate!

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Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.