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Press Releases
News & Announcements from NSEA
Our press releases include NSEA calls to action, position statements, public comments, event announcements, and more.
(Carson City, NV) — On Wednesday, July 8th at Noon, the Nevada State Education Association will be hosting an "Education Is Essential: Line The Street at 6 Feet" event outside of the Nevada State Legislative Building. NSEA is expecting the legislature to deliberate a budget-balancing proposal that includes $156M in K-12 education cuts with no new revenue.
On June 24, 2020, we learned the Legislature will meet for a Special Session beginning on July 7, 2020. Unfortunately, it was announced the public would be locked out from this important and democratic process.
This week, the Nevada State Education Association (NSEA) launched the “We Count” campaign, kicking off a major effort to promote participation in the 2020 census through the activation of NSEA’s members engaging their communities on the importance of the once -in-a-decade process mandated by the U.S. Constitution.
(Carson City, NV)-- On May 13, 2019, the 99th day of the 80th Session, with the introduction of SB543, Nevada finally got its first look at the New Education Funding Formula.
On May 13, 2019, the 99th day of the 80th Session, with the introduction of SB543, Nevada finally got its first look at the New Education Funding Formula.