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Press Release

Major Victory for Public Education: ESA Private School Vouchers are Dead

Trump/DeVos privatization agenda stopped cold in Nevada
Published: June 4, 2017

Key Takeaways

  1. “Nevada’s future and the chance for success is no longer threatened by the failed promise of private school vouchers. NSEA and the 40,000 educators we represent will push forward with our commitment to strengthening public education in our state,” said Ruben Murillo, Jr., NSEA President.

(Carson City, NV) – The Nevada State Education Association (NSEA) celebrates the promise of a budget that strengthens public schools, and a quality public education for all Nevada students by removing public dollars for private schools.

Since the introduction of Nevada’s ESA private school voucher program, NSEA and its partners rejected them as a scheme to drain public education of sorely needed resources to benefit a select few.

Along with Nevada, states across the nation are rejecting and reconsidering voucher programs, sending a clear message to the Trump administration: the best investment of public money is in a public education system that benefits all students regardless of zip code or their family’s income level.

NSEA stands with our partners, unwavering in their commitment to Nevada’s children, and pledges to continue to work towards the promise of a quality public education for all students.

“NSEA thanks its partners who have worked so hard throughout this process to strengthen our schools and applauds the heroic efforts of our Democratic allies. We also thank our membership, educators, and parents who spoke up and out to legislators to tell them no public money in private schools,” said Murillo, Jr.

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Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.