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Legal Services

In addition to our staff members in the field, we also have access to attorneys who are experts in school and labor law and they can provide representation for any job-related problem you might encounter including student abuse charges, contract dismissals, and complaints.

These days, liability protection alone just isn't enough. In addition to being threatened with the loss or your job or a violation of your hard-earned rights, educators today are vulnerable to any one of a number of charges that can can be leveled by angry students or disgruntled parents.

When you belong to the Association, you have peace of mind that your side will be heard and that your rights will be protected. We stand ready and willing to go the extra mile to make sure you get a fair shake and you don't have to pay a penny in legal fees! 

In addition to our staff members in the field, we also have access to attorneys who are experts in school and labor law and they can provide representation for any job-related problem you might encounter including student abuse charges, contract dismissals, and complaints.  If you have a job-related problem or feel your rights have been violated, contact your UniServ Director. He or she is your first line of defense.  


Ensuring a High Quality Public Education For Every Student

NSEA has been the voice of educators for over 120 years. We represent teachers, education support professionals, and other licensed professionals throughout the state of Nevada.