81st Legislative Session
Assembly Bills (2021)
AJR1 (2020 Special Session): Increases the mining tax from 5% of net proceeds to 7.75% of gross proceeds.
- NSEA's Memo to the Committee of the Whole
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Support
AB19: Removes government from the list of subjects included within social studies and add civics, financial literacy and multicultural education.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Passed Assembly (28-14), Passed Senate (20-1)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB38: Technical changes to CTE work-based learning.
- Passed Assembly (42-0), Passed Senate (21-0)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Watch
AB48: Authorizes certain retired public officers and employees to reinstate insurance under the Public Employees' Benefits Program.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Government Affairs
- Passed Assembly (39-3), Passed Senate (21-0)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB56: Requires instruction on the Holocaust and genocide for pupils enrolled in high school.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Status: See AB231
NSEA Position: Support
AB57: Temporarily suspends certain requirements relating to certain teacher and administrator evaluations.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Passed Assembly (26-16), Passed Senate (17-4)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support (Sponsor)
AB67: Makes minor changes to AB168 (Restorative Justice Bill from 2019).
- NSEA's memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Passed Assembly (40-0), Passed Senate (21-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support and Amend
AB68: Makes various changes relating to charter schools.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Passed Assembly (42-0), Passed Senate (21-0)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Oppose and Amend
AB80: authorizing a person who holds a permit to carry a concealed firearm to possess a handgun in a motor vehicle that is on the property of the Nevada System of Higher Education or a private or public school or child care facility in certain circumstances.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
AB82: Requires that instruction in the founding principles of American government be specifically included in public schools.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
AB88: Makes various changes relating to governmental entities.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee On Education
- Passed Assembly (36-6), Passed Senate (12-8)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB109: Revises requirements for teachers who provide instruction at a charter school.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Passed Assembly (31-9), Passed Senate (12-8)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Oppose
AB110: Revises the Nevada Lobbying Disclosure and Regulation Act.
- Signed into law by Governor Sisolak
NSEA Position: Watch
AB122: Revises provisions governing prekindergarten programs.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Support
AB126: Provides for presidential preference primary election.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections
- Passed Assembly (30-11), Passed Senate (15-6)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB132: Revises provisions governing juvenile justice
- Passed Assembly (42-0), Passed Senate (20-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Watch
AB159: Limits the civil liability of certain public schools for personal injury or death resulting from exposure to COVID-19.
Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
AB167: Requiring the board of trustees of a school district, the governing body of a charter school, a university, a state college or a community college to include certain information on an identification card issued to a pupil or student, as applicable.
- Passed Assembly (41-1), No Vote in Senate
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
AB183: Revises provisions governing collective bargaining. Removing the exemption from compliance with certain provisions requiring a meeting to be open or public for meetings between a local government or Executive Department employer and an employee organization or employees as individuals
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
AB194: Revises provisions governing the suspension and expulsion of pupils
- Passed Assembly (36-6), Passed Senate (19-1)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Watch
AB195: Revises provisions relating to pupils who are English learners
- NSEA's memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Passed Assembly (34-4), Passed Senate (20-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB205: Makes various changes concerning the acquisition, possession, provision or administration of auto-injectable epinephrine and opioid antagonists by schools.
- Passed Assembly (42-0), Passed Senate (20-0)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Watch
AB206: Requires that certain pupils enrolled full-time in a program of distance education be included in the count of pupils for apportionment purposes.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
AB208: Revises provisions relating to career and technical education.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
AB215: Revises provisions governing the eligibility requirements for participation in courses for an adult to earn a high school diploma.
- Passed Assembly (42-0), Passed Senate (20-0)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Watch
AB224: Provides for access to feminine hygiene products in certain public schools.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Passed Assembly (41-0), Passed Senate (21-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB225: Revises provisions governing examinations for the licensure of teachers and other educational personnel.
- Passed Assembly (41-0); Passed Senate 21-0
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Watch
AB231: Revises provisions governing education on the Holocaust and other genocides.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Passed Assembly (42-0), Passed Senate (20-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB235: Enacts provisions governing financial education for pupils and their parents and guardians.
- Passed Assembly (34-11), Passed Senate (20-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Watch
AB246: Revises provisions governing employment practices relating to employee safety.
NSEA Position: Support
AB255: Revises provisions governing boards of trustees of school districts.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
AB257: Establishes provisions governing indoor air quality in public schools.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Passed Assembly (26-16), Passed Senate (20-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB261: Revises provisions governing education to provide diversity and inclusivity in the academic standards and curriculum.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Passed Assembly (26-16), Passed Senate (12-9)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB262: Prohibiting the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada from assessing tuition charges against certain students.
- Passed Assembly (40-1), Passed Senate (21-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB265: Revises provisions governing alternative routes to licensure for school administrators.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
AB266: Revises provisions governing class size.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Passed Assembly (26-16), Passed Senate (12-9)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB276: Makes changes to provisions governing public records.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
AB288: Revises provisions governing pupil eligibility for grants provided by a scholarship organization.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
AB300: Establishes a credit against the modified business tax for a taxpayer who donates money to a youth and adolescent enrichment program in this State.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
AB305: Revises provisions relating to collective bargaining by school districts.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
AB306: Prohibiting the reporting of false information to the SafeVoice Program.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
AB319: Establishes a pilot program relating to dual credit courses.
- Passed Assembly (41-0), Passed Senate (21-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Watch
AB321: Revises provisions relating to elections.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections
- Passed Assembly 25-16, Passed Senate (12-9)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB329: Revises provisions relating to charter schools.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
AB330: Establishes provisions governing occupational training and licensing.
- Passed Assembly (42-0), Passed Senate (21-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Watch
AB352: Grants pupils in this State a legal right to a high-quality education.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
AB353: Revises provisions governing sexual misconduct in public schools.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Support
AB363: Revises provisions governing transient lodging.
- Passed Assembly (30-11), Passed Senate 1(5-6)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB364: Requires a member of the board of trustees of a school district to teach under supervision in the classroom at a school within his or her election district or election area for a minimum of 1 day each school year.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
AB367: Adding disciplinary studies to the list of core academic subjects that are required to be taught in all public schools.
- Passed Assembly (40-0), No Vote In Senate
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
AB371: Enacts provisions governing discrimination based on race.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Passed Assembly (41-1), Passed Senate (21-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB376: Enacts the Keep Nevada Working Act and makes various other changes relating to immigration.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Government Affairs
- Passed Assembly (25-16), Passed Senate (12-9)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB415: Directing the Legislative Committee on Education to conduct an interim study of the statewide system of accountability for public schools.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Support
AB417: Revises provisions related to school buses.
- Passed Assembly (41-1), Passed Senate (21-0)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Watch
AB418: Requiring the Department of Education to develop, implement and analyze an exit survey for certain employees who leave employment at a school district.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Support
AB419: Establishing various provisions related to the sponsorship and governance of charter schools.
- NSEA's Memo to the Assembly Committee on Education
- Passed Assembly (33-9), Passed Senate (21-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Neutral
AB420: Revising provisions governing educational management organizations.
- Passed Assembly (42-0), Passed Senate (21-0)
- Signed by the Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB447: Makes an appropriation to the Nevada Center for Civic Engagement to support the We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution Program in Nevada's schools.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Support
AB449: Revises provisions governing economic development.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Support
AB460: Makes an appropriation to the Division of Museums and History of the Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs to restore the school bus program to reimburse transportation costs for public school students to visit state museums.
- Passed Assembly (37-5), Passed Senate (21-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB475: Makes an appropriation to the Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund to support the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship Program. (BDR S-1062)
- Passed Assembly (39-3), Passed Senate (21-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
AB495: Revises provisions relating to governmental financial administration.
- Passed Assembly (28-14), Passed Senate (16-5)
- Status: Enrolled and Delivered to Governor
Senate Bills (2021)
SJR4: Urges Congress to grant additional school trust lands to Nevada.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Support
SJR7: Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to remove the constitutional provisions governing the election and duties of the Board of Regents of the State University and to authorize the Legislature to provide by statute for the governance of the State University and for the auditing of public institutions of higher education in this State.
- NSEA's Memo to the Senate Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections
- Passed Senate (20-0); Passed Assembly (30-11)
- Enrolled and delivered to Secretary of State
NSEA Position: Oppose
SB2: revising requirements to conduct certain assessments; removing requirements to measure the height and weight of certain pupils; revising provisions relating to budgeting; eliminating certain reporting requirements; removing the requirement to take an examination relating to civics to graduate from high school
- Passed Senate (21-0), Passed Assembly (35-7)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
SB10: Revises provisions governing the calculation of the amount of certain partial abatements of property taxes.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Support
SB13: For certain public employers, changes end fund balance percentage walled off from bargaining from 16.67% to 25%. Does not apply to school district provisions.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
SB27: Nevada Department of Education omnibus bill
- NSEA Memo to the Senate Committee on Education
- Passed Senate (16-5); died in Assembly
NSEA Position: Oppose
SB36: Revises provisions relating to plans for responses to crises, emergencies, and suicides by schools
- Passed Senate (21-0), Passed Assembly 42-0
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Watch
SB64: Relating to taxation; reducing the statutory rate of depreciation applicable to improvements made on real property for the purpose of determining the taxable value of the property.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Support
SB66: Creates the Nevada K-16 Connectivity and Innovation Advisory Commission.
- Passed Senate (21-0), Passed Assembly (35-4)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Watch
SB75: AN ACT relating to unemployment compensation (ESP unemployment insurance)
- NSEA Memo to the Senate Committee on Commerce and Labor
- Passed Senate (12-9), Passed Assembly (27-14)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Seek Amendment
SB76: Second Nevada Department of Education omnibus bill.
- NSEA Memo to The Senate Committee on Education
- Status: Passed Senate (21-0), Died in Assembly
NSEA Position: Oppose
SB83: Allows NDE to suspend or waive certain assessments if the Federal Government waives or suspends.
- NSEA Memo to The Senate Committee on Education
- Status: Passed Senate (21-0), Passed Assembly (38-2)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Support (Sponsor)
SB91: Revises provisions relating to college and career readiness assessments administered to high school pupils in the 11th grade.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Support
SB92: Revises provisions relating to career and technical education relating to the subject of robotics.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Support
SB102: Revises the date by which children must be at least a certain age to be admitted to certain grades of school.
- NSEA's Memo to the Senate Committee on Education
- Passed Senate (21-0), Passed Assembly (41-0)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Support
SB111: Revises provisions relating to the selection of the board of trustees of certain school districts (i.e. appointed school boards in Clark County and Washoe County)
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
SB116: Revises provisions relating to mental health.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB118: Establishes the Nevada First Scholars Program.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB120: Revises provisions relating to school administrators. Providing that certain principals are employed at will; requiring certain post probationary school administrators to apply for reappointment to their administrative positions.
- NSEA's Memo to the Senate Committee on Education
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
SB126: Revises provisions relating to library services in public schools.
- NSEA's Memo to the Senate Committee on Education
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB132: Makes an appropriation from the State General Fund to the Eighth Judicial District for the funding of support services provided by juvenile justice assessment centers to pupils at public schools in the Clark County School District.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB135: Revises provisions governing access to the property and employees of public schools.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB142: Repealing provisions that prohibit the budgeted ending fund balance of a school district from being subject to certain negotiations under certain circumstances. Senate Bill 142 One Pager
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position (Sponsor): Support
SB151: Requires the boards of trustees of certain school districts to develop a plan to improve certain pupil to personnel ratios and submit an annual report on the plan to the Department of Education; requiring school counselors, school psychologists and school social workers to complete certain continuing education; and other matters.
- NSEA Memo to the Senate Committee on Education
- Passed Senate (18-3), Passed Senate (33-8)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Support & Seek Amendment
SB152: Requires a public school with more than 500 pupils to list on its Internet website certain information relating to the learning materials and activities that were used for pupil instruction during the immediately preceding school year.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
SB157: Revises provisions relating to the Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Postion: Oppose
SB160: Authorizes a school district or charter school to enter into a cooperative agreement to provide dual credit courses with an institution of higher education located in another state.
- Passed Senate (21-0), Passed Assembly (41-0)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Watch
SB169: Revising provisions relating to pupils with disabilities to include developmental trauma and emotional or behavioral dysregulation.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB172: Revises provisions governing dual credit courses.
- Passed Senate (21-0), Passed Assembly (40-1)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Watch
SB173: Authorized the board of trustees of a school district and the State Public Charter School Authority to submit to the Superintendent of Public Instruction plans to address loss of learning that occurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- NSEA's memo to the Senate Committee on Education
- Passed Senate (21-0), Passed Assembly (33-8)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support with Amendment
SB182: Revises provisions relating to physical education.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB193: Revises provisions relating to the education of veterans and their spouses and dependents.
- Passed Senate (20-0), Passed Assembly (41-0)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Watch
SB194: Established a State Seal of Civics Program and requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to establish criteria for certain designations related to civics.
- NSEA's Memo to the Senate Committee on Education
- Passed Senate (21-0), Passed Assembly (37-5)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
SB195: Providing that pupils who are awarded a State Seal in any subject may receive credit at a community college, state college or university in that subject.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Support
SB199: Prohibits certain types of racial discrimination in employment and education.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Support
SB202: Requires the board of trustees of a school district or the governing body of a charter school to provide credit for a foreign or world language to pupils who complete certain courses of study.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB210: Revises provisions relating to the education of a child with an emotional disturbance.
- Passed Senate (21-0), Passed Assembly (42-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Watch
SB215: Revises provisions relating to a program of instruction based on an alternative schedule and revises certain provisions relating to programs of distance education.
- Passed Senate (21-0), Passed Assembly (40-1)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Watch
SB220: Establishing provisions relating to programs for alternative educational opportunities, and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB221: Revises provisions relating to public employment.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
SB224: Revises provisions relating to large school districts.
- NSEA's Memo to the Senate Committee on Education
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Support
SB226: Expands career and technical education opportunities for pupils.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB230: Providing for the reporting of information relating to distance education and the effects of distance education on the mental health of pupils and teachers.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB243: Revises provisions relating to public employment.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB244: Prohibiting a school district or the governing body of a charter school from placing certain conditions on enrollment.
- Status: Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB247: Revises provisions relating to apprenticeships.
- Passed Senate (12-9), Passed Assembly (26-15)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Support
SB249: Requiring the board of trustees of a school district or the governing body of a charter school to include certain information on an identification card issued to a pupil.
- Passed Senate (21-0), Passed Assembly (32-9)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
SB250: Requiring that pupils enrolled in certain courses for an adult to receive a high school diploma be included in the count of pupils for apportionment.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB265: Revises provisions relating to work-based learning programs.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB272: Establishes the Nevada Educator Corps to provide tutoring services in public schools.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Seek Amendment (amend $20/hour to median hourly rate in CBA)
SB273: Creating the Account to Promote Pupil Literacy.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB294: Revises provisions governing collective bargaining by local government employers.
- Passed Senate (12-9), Passed Assembly (26-15)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
SB306: Revises provisions relating to education savings accounts and education funding.
Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
SB312: Provides for the use of certain federal funding for the costs associated with the enrollment of prekindergarten pupils in prekindergarten education programs in the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years.
- Status: Dead (WS)
NSEA Position: Watch
SB316: Providing for the use of certain federal funding for a pilot program for certain pupils enrolled in a public high school.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB330: Requires the board of trustees of each school district to report to the Department of Education an explanation of expenditures.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
SB333: Establishes a credit against certain taxes for a taxpayer who donates money to a charter school tax credit organization that makes grants to charter schools for certain purposes.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
SB340: Revises provision relating to the wages and working conditions of certain employees.
- Passed Senate (12-9), Passed Assembly (26-16)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
SB343: Creating the Account for Improvements to Leased Property.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Oppose
SB346: Imposes a tax on the retail sale of certain digital products.
NSEA Position: Support
SB352: Requires the Commission on Professional Standards in Education to adopt regulations related to paraprofessionals and to student teaching.
- NSEA's Memo to the Senate Committee on Education
- Passed Senate (20-0), Passed Assembly (41-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
SB353: Requires the Department of Education to review certain assessments.
- NSEA's Memo to the Senate Committee on Education
- Passed Senate (21-0), Passed Assembly (42-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
SB354: Providing for the inclusion of an indicator to recognize public schools that reduce the frequency of suspension, expulsion or removal of pupils from school in the statewide system of accountability.
- NSEA's Memo to the Senate Committee on Education
- Passed Senate (16-5), Passed Assembly (32-9)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
SB360: Revises provisions relating to public employment.
- Passed Senate (12-9), Passed Assembly (26-15)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Seek Amendment
SB363: Requires the governing body of each charter school that enters into a contract with certain organizations to report certain information to the State Public Charter School Authority in each even-numbered year.
- NSEA's Memo to the Senate Committee on Education
- Passed Senate (19-2); Passed Assembly (35-6)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
SB373: Provides for collective bargaining by certain state employees.
NSEA Position: Support
SB375: Appropriates additional money for teacher salaries and class size reduction.
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Watch
SB386: Revises provisions relating to certain businesses.
- NSEA's Memo to the Senate Committee on Commerce and Labor
- Passed Senate (12-9), Passed Assembly (26-16)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
SB395: Revises provisions governing the funding of capital projects by school districts in certain counties.
- Passed Senate (17-4), No Vote in Assembly
- Status: Dead
NSEA Position: Support
SB420: Revises provisions relating to health insurance.
- NSEA's Memo to the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
- Passed Senate (12-9), Passed Assembly (26-15)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
SB439: Revises provisions relating to education (SBB543 trailer Legislation)
- NSEA's Memo to the Senate and Assembly Committee on Education
- Passed Senate (20-1), Passed Assembly (36-5)
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Oppose
SB444: Makes a supplemental appropriation to the State Distributive School Account for an unanticipated decrease in revenues for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years.
- Passed Senate 20-0, Passed Assembly 41-0
- Signed by Governor
NSEA Position: Support
SB450: Revises provisions relating to the financing of school facilities.
- NSEA Memo to the Senate Committee on Government Relations
- Passed Senate (16-4), Passed Assembly (31-11)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
SB458: Ensures sufficient funding for K-12 public education for the 2021-2023 biennium.
- NSEA Memo to the Assembly Committee on Ways & Means
- Passed Senate 21-0, Passed Assembly (41-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Oppose
SB461: Revises provisions relating to state financial administration.
- NSEA Memo to the Senate Committee on Finance
- Passed Senate (21-0), Passed Assembly (36-5)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Support
SB463: Makes an appropriation to the Department of Education for transfer to certain charter schools
- NSEA Memo to the Senate Committee on Finance
- Passed Senate (21-0), Passed Assembly (42-0)
- Signed By Governor
NSEA Position: Oppose
Budgetary Items (2021)
Budget Item 2615 (School Remediation Trust Fund)
Budget Item 2620 (Instruction in Financial Literacy)
Budget Item 2673 (Office of the Superintendent)
Budget Item 2698 (School Safety)
Budget Item 2699 (Other State Education Programs)
Budget Item 2704 (Bullying Prevention Account)
Budget Item 2709 (Office of Early Learning and Development)